Cropped Jeans for Fall with Booties

How to wear cropped jeans with booties

Top: Knitted Belle c/o | Jeans: Baldwin similar here (for $17) and here for ($30) | Booties: Nordstrom similar here ($40) | Bag: LV Speedy 35 | Mama Necklace: Sierra Winter Jewelry | Necklace: Madewell | Sunglasses: Camp David 

How to wear cropped jeans with booties
How to wear cropped jeans with booties
How to wear cropped jeans with booties
How to wear cropped jeans with booties
How to wear cropped jeans with booties
How to wear cropped jeans with booties
How to wear cropped jeans with booties
How to wear cropped jeans with booties
How to wear cropped jeans with booties
How to wear cropped jeans with booties

Top: Knitted Belle c/o | Jeans: Baldwin similar here (for $17) and here for ($30) | Booties: Nordstrom similar here ($40) | Bag: LV Speedy 35 | Mama Necklace: Sierra Winter Jewelry | Necklace: Madewell | Sunglasses: Camp David

I LOVE it when y'all DM me with styling questions! And the other day one of y'all sent one to my asking 'how to style booties with cropped jeans for fall!' AND I LOVED it! I am a huge fan of cropped jeans, as y'all know I picked this pair (styled them on the blog here) up during the Nordstrom Sale and LOVE them. But, so wanted to style up this pair of jeans with leopard booties! And once I styled this look, I had a few thoughts on how to do this right, and wrong. So, here we go!


- Get a pair of cropped jeans with a bit of a flare. And make sure the hem of the pants hits about and inch above your ankle. If yours need to be shortened, cut them yourself, or take them to a tailor. Trust me.

- Buy booties that do come up above the ankle. And will meet just under the pants. The goal is to not have skin show. 


 - Buy booties that are too short, unlike this style and this style. They come up just to the ankle, and showing the leg makes it look just a bit short. And not as flattering! 

- Buy jeans that are too short, like this style. They are way too summery, and won't give you the look you are wanting. 

I hope that helps y'all find just the right shoes and jeans for this look. Let me know if you have any other questions! Be sure to let me know! 


StyleCaitlin ForeComment