High waisted Crop Jeans Outfit

How to wear high waisted jeans for summer

Top: Anthropologie | Jeans: Nordstrom | Belt Bag: Nordstrom | Sandals: CoCo Brookeside | Earrings: Anthropologie | Mama Necklace: Sierra Winter Jewelry | Necklace: Madewell 

How to wear high waisted jeans for summer
How to wear high waisted jeans for summer
How to wear high waisted jeans for summer
How to wear high waisted jeans for summer
How to wear high waisted jeans for summer
How to wear high waisted jeans for summer
How to wear high waisted jeans for summer

Top: Anthropologie | Jeans: Nordstrom | Belt Bag: Nordstrom | Sandals: CoCo Brookeside | Earrings: Anthropologie | Mama Necklace: Sierra Winter Jewelry | Necklace: Madewell 

I bought these high waisted crop jeans from the Nordstrom sale and they have become an immediate favorite! I reach for them all the time! I love how high the rise the waist is on these jeans. The wash is perfectly in the middle of dark and light. The fabric of the jeans is super soft and has a good amount of stretch, and I'd say you can go down one size in the. I am wearing my normal size, and I like how they fit. But, they are just a bit big. So, there's that! I love the crop flare bottom of these high waisted jeans too! It's definitely an updated style of jean, that I love, I definitely think you should try this style!  

And this is how I am wearing them now for the warmer days! I can't wait to put them on with a chunky sweater and booties this fall. But, while the heat is still happening, I wanted to style it with this belt bag, floral top, and flatform sandals! I love how the belt bag pulls in my waist, and how fun and easy the floral top is! And these flatform sandals are one of my favorite summer sandals because I get extra height, they're comfortable, and I can chase Bennett around while wearing them too! That's a win, win! 


Caitlin ForeComment